Karen, Lydia and Ken's East African Adventure

July 4th - 21st, 2006

"If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe and the African new moon lying on her back, of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Will the air over the plain quiver with a color that I have had on, or the children invent a game in which my name is, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or will the eagles of the Ngong Hills look out for me?" - Isak Dinesen "Out of Africa"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The A-List & B-List of Animals

Lydia "We started making this list a few days into our trip just to help us remember what we saw. We didn’t think that it would end up to be pages and pages of animals. Pretty soon everyone joined in adding to the list. At first it seemed silly to make a list, and we got a lot of ribbing from everyone, but it was a good thing we did, because who would have thought the list would turn out to be as long as it did. We never would have remembered all these animals!! We jokingly started with an A-List and B-List of animals, but pretty soon it was too difficult to make the distinction? Does it matter??? It’s all good – it’s all wonderful!!!!" We will always have a picture of Lyd on this safari with the pen and the notepad in her hand. Lydia gathered almost all the pictures of these animals and transcribed the notepads. Here is the link to pictures of the animals on our lists.

A-List and B-List

African Fish Eagle, African Wild Dog, Agama Lizard, Baboon, Black and White Colubus Monkey, Black Heron, Black Winged Stilt, Black-backed Jackal, Black-headed Heron, Blacksmith Lapwing, Brahma Bull, Caiman, Camels, Cape Buffalo, Cape Weaver, Cattle Egret, Cheetah, Coke's Hartebeest(Kongoni), Crocodile, Crowned Cranes, Dik-dik Antelopes, Egyptian Geese, Elephant, Fire Finch, Giant Kingfisher, Golden Jackal, Grant's Gazelle, Greater flamingo, Grey headed Gulls, Guinea Fowl, Hawk, Helmeted Guinea Fowl, Hippopotamus, Hyena, Impala, Kittlitz's sand Plover, Klipspringer Antelope, Kori Bustard, Leopard, Lesser flamingo, Lilac-breasted Roller, Lion, Long Crested Eagle, Magpie Shrike, Malachite Kingfisher, Marabou Stork, Masai Giraffe, Masai Lion, Mongoose, Morapusta, Ostrich, Pelican, Red billed Oxpecker, Red-billed duck, Reedbuck, Rock Hyrax, Rothschild Giraffe, Sacred Ibis, Saddle-billed Stork, Sand Grouse, Secretary Bird, Semipalmated Plover, Side-striped Jackal, Snowy Egret, SpittingViper, Spotted hyena's, Superb Starling,Termite Mound, Thompson's Gazelle, Topi Antelope, Tortoise, Vervet Monkey, Village Weaver, Warthog, Water Buffalo, Waterbuck, White Bellied Bustard, White breasted Cormorant, White Heron, White Rhinoceros, Wildebeest, Yellow Billed Stork, Yellow Canary, Zebras.

Bees, Buzzard, Cat, Chicken, Cockroach, Dog (dead & alive), Donkey, Goats, Guinea pig, Horse, Mouse, Owl, Pied Crow, Sheep, Spider, Turkey.

If you would like to see what any of these animals look like we have another blog for you to look at. click here to see what any of these animals look like


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