Karen, Lydia and Ken's East African Adventure

July 4th - 21st, 2006

"If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe and the African new moon lying on her back, of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Will the air over the plain quiver with a color that I have had on, or the children invent a game in which my name is, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or will the eagles of the Ngong Hills look out for me?" - Isak Dinesen "Out of Africa"

Monday, August 14, 2006

Serengeti Sunset

This is the perfect dream of Africa. We have not yet made it to Dik-Dik camp. Maybe we spent too much time gawking at Ostrich, Elephant's, Lion's, Giraffe's, Zebra's, Gazelle's. "Awwww!!!! Look at the Zebra's in the sunset, aren't they cute?" We will be pitching tents with the head lamps on because of these once-in-a-lifetime diversions. Karen was shocked and horrified that contrary to what she was promised in Nairobi by Johan that we were not in a fenced-in camp. "Carrie, what does a hyena sound like?" Lydia and I chose to be right on the edge of camp with our full moon view of the "Serengeti Plains". I woke up with the full moon shining in my face as it was setting and the sun was rising. I said "Wake Lydia!!!", Karen said, "I'm not gonna wake anyone up this early, you wake her" Well, I woke her up and we all got up and looked out at the Serengeti and never felt farther from home nor happier to be anywhere else. AFRICA!!!!


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